An Encyclopedia of well-annotated DNA-binding TRanscription factors in Bacteria and Archaea.
Q: What does the experimental evidences abbreviations mean?
A: In the general table we have a detailed description of each abbreviation.
Q: What are transcription factors ?
A: A TF is a protein that binds the DNA around or overlapping the promoter, affecting gene expression positively and/or negatively depending on operator context and ligand-binding status.
Q: What is the domain organization of TFs?
A: In general, TFs are two-domain proteins, however, there are some cases where TFs are composed of a mono-domain or proteins with a large number of domains.
Q: What are the experimental evidence considered in this work?
A: We have considered the following experimental evidence described in more than xx references.
Q: How can I get the complete dataset of proteins?
A: All information is available to the community. Sequences can be obtained in FASTA format and information in text format. If you want the complete database in .csv format, please contact us at
Q: I have a protein that is a TF. How can I add it to the Entraf database?
A: Please contact us at if you have another protein to suggest for including in Entraf database.
Q: I would like to use the Entraf database in a project to analyze the amino acid sequences or structures using bioinformatics.
A: Please contact us at if you are interested in using Entraf database.